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Ike Rachmatika


The ichthyological study was conducted in Mendalam river system on 6 May to 24 May 1998 in Mendalam River and 21 its tributaries, a sub river system of Kapuas River Basin. These were included in 44 sampling stations. This work conducted in conjunction with the establishment and management of Betung Kerihun National Park collected 69 fishes species. These belong to 12 familia, 39 genera and 5 ordo. The most common fishes were those belonging to Cyprinidae (47.88%), Balitoridae (14.08%) dan Cobitidae (12,67%). At least eleven species endemic to Borneo were found. They are Garra borneensis, Grynocheihisptistulosus, Hampala bimaculata, Homaloptera stephensoni, Neogastrotnvzon niewenliitisi, N. pauciradiatus, Osphronemus septemfasciatus, Paracrossocliilus acerus, Rasbora vo/lzi, Acrochordonichthys chameleon, and Gastromyzon embalohensis. Most of the fishes found constitute ornamental and consummed fishes, which are economically important.



Pengamatan fauna ikan di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Mendalam telah dilakukan selama 18 hari (dari tanggal 6 Mei sampai tanggal 24 Mei 1998) di DAS Mendalam dan 21 anak sungainya yang merupakan salah satu sub DAS Kapuas. Dari 44 stasiun pencuplikan ditemukan sebanyak 69 jenis ikan yang terdiri atas 12 familia, 39 genera dan 5 ordo berhasil dikoleksi. Jenis-jenis tersebut tergolong kedalam ft mil i Cyprinidae (47,88%), Balitoridae (14,08%) dan Cobitidae (12,67%). Sekurang-kurangnya 11 jenis ikan yang tergolong endemik Kalimantan ditemukan yaitu Garra borneensis; Grynocheilus pustulosus, Hampala bimaculata, Homaloptera stephensoni, Neogastromyzon niewenhuisii, N. pauciradiatus, Osphronemus septemfasciatus, Parachrossochilus acerus, Razor voltzi, Acrochordonichthys chameleon, dan Gastromyzon embalohensis. Sebagian besar ikan di kawasan ini merupakan ikan hias dan konsumsi yang bernilai ekonomis.

DAS Mendalam; Betung Kerihun National Park; endemic species; Taman Nasional Betung Kerihun; jenis endemik;

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